
What Happened To The Lutz Family? Celebrity

Kathy died of emphysema in 2004 and George died of heart disease in 2006. Their children have tended to shy away from the horror spotlight, specifically daughter Missy. However, Daniel Lutz appeared in the 2013 documentary My Amityville Horror and remained adamant that the hauntings happened.

Family members say that George Lutz was the first of the Lutz family to initiate talk of hauntings. He, at the advice of a friend, hired a priest named Father Ralph J. Pecoraro (Mancuso in the book) to bless the house. And it was after that blessing that the “haunting” began. George Lutz is now deceased.

Their children have tended to shy away from the horror spotlight, specifically daughter Missy. However, Daniel Lutz appeared in the 2013 documentary My Amityville Horror and remained adamant that the hauntings happened.

The Lutzs – Kathy, her three children Daniel, Christopher and Missy and new husband George – soon reported strange goings on. Kathy said she levitated, saw glowing red eyes and began having nightmares about the murder.

How did George Lutz die?

George Lutz is now deceased. He died on May 8, 2006 of heart disease. While he was born on Long Island where the haunting hoax occurred, his place of death was Las Vegas, Nevada. George and Kathleen Lutz divorced in 1988.

She also claimed that she’d been “embraced” by an unseen force. Welts were supposedly seen on her body in the mornings, and she claimed to have levitated. Most notable of Kathy Lutz’s imaginative tales was the tale of the cloven hoof prints. As mentioned, these were found in the snow outside the home.

George and Kathleen, along with their five young children began to claim bizarre experiences. George would wake at 3:15 each morning , the exact time the DeFeo murders took place. Kathloon claimed to have seen cloven hoof prints in the snow outside the home. And even the kids were in on the action.

Daniel Lutz. Daniel Lutz was 9 at the time of the Amityville haunting, and he didn’t tell too many stories at the time. However, he’s quite vocal about the events now, and it would seem he’s sticking to his story. Daniel Lutz in 2013 released a documentary.

It was in the late 1970s that Janet Hodgson and her family claim to have experienced the Enfield haunting. But, like the Enfield haunting, the Amityville horror story has dubious origins.

DeFeo was ultimately sentenced to prison, and the house at 112 Ocean Avenue on Long Island was sold. Just a little over a year after the murders, the Lutz family moved into the house. The realtor, in full disclosure, informed George and Kathleen about the murders which had taken place there.

It went so far that George Lutz actually sued Qua ratino in court for trademark infringement and fraud. Lutz had been planning another Amityville movie. Missy Lutz, who was 5 at the time, says that yes, the experience was traumatic.

When did the Lutz family buy the haunted house?

The story surrounding the Lutz family and their December 1975 purchase of—and prompt departure from—a supposedly haunted house on Long Island has been the subject of endless speculation. But was this spooky ordeal, popularized by a book and then a handful of films, inspired by a true crime—or just an elaborate hoax?


Two years before the Lutz family’s infamous flight, Ronald DeFeo Jr. entered Henry’s Bar in Amityville, Long Island, New York, and claimed his family had been shot to death. An investigation into the home at 112 Ocean Avenue revealed that six people had been fatally shot. DeFeo maintained that his family had been the victims of a mob hit, …

George, for example, claimed to wake at 3:15 am every day —the exact time the murders had allegedly occurred; daughter Missy began speaking to an imaginary — or perhaps demonic — entity named “Jodie;” Kathy even claimed to have levitated above her bed, arising from the disturbance with welts on her chest.

But George Lutz continued to disagree with the dismissals of his story in ” Amityville: Horror Or Hoax .”

Still, the story of the Lutz haunting has inspired over a dozen horror films, the first of which was made in 1979 and starred James Brolin and Margot Kidder as George and Kathleen. The depictions of the supernatural events described in Anson’s books have ranged greatly throughout the movies released over the years.

The Lutz family has since taken and passed lie detector tests to confirm the veracity of the claims they have made about the property, according to The Telegraph. But following owners of the house have stated that they never experienced anything remotely similar to the disturbances the Lutz’s supposedly were subject to.


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-22