Iconic Stellan Skarsgard and his Swedish acting family: wife and children

Don’t you also think that the name Skarsgard is as scarce as it sounds? Stellan John Skarsgard is a renowned actor that has been active for almost five decades now. The Swedish started out doing local films and stage works. In 1985, he took his first bold step towards becoming an international phenomenon. Noon Wine (1985) was Stellan’s first American film and that was it from then.
Date of Birth: June 13, 1951
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Asides the fact that Skarsgard looks a lot like the iconic Liam Neeson, they share quite the same height of success. Isn’t it ironic that for one of the highest earning actors in history, acting was not a planned decision? The beloved Stellan has said many times that he never wanted to be an actor; in fact, the atheist actor says his dream was to be a diplomat. He owes his amazing career journey to happenstance as he just happens to appear in the very successful films.
You would have heard of quite a few other Skarsgards in the movie industry. Yes! Four of his kids are actors and he has been in relationship with women in same line of work. Stellan John might look on the outside like one of the perfect men on earth but really, he is just an ordinary family man with a peculiar sort of career. Read on to find out more about the Skarsgard children, his previous and present relationships.
My Sonja Marie Agnes (ex-wife)
Duration of Marriage: April 27, 1975 – May 2007
Date of Birth: July 3, 1956
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
My Agnes is a physician and actress known for Efter Tio (2006) and Skavlan (2009). On April 27, 1975, she became the first wife to the popular Skarsgard and the mother of his first six children. Marvin’s Dr Erik Selvig and Agnes divorced after their marriage of two decades. They however still hang out and continue to be close friends. On some Christmas nights, Agnes joins the family and they all (including the new wife Megan and her kids) have dinner usually prepared by the Swedish star himself.
Megan Everett (wife)
Duration of Marriage: January 12, 2009 – present
Date of Birth: March 3, 1976
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
The gregarious father of many met his current wife Megan in the Shelbourne’s Horseshoe Bar. After a brief period of courtship, he got married to Megan, the lady old enough to be his daughter. What has love got to do with age right? The couple are now parents to two kids of their own.
Alexander Johan Skarsgard (son with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: August 25, 1976
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
The Swedish hunk that played Eric Northman on HBO’s True Blood is the first son to the iconic Stellan. Alexander is in so many ways just as talented as his dad and without a doubt, he would make more successes as time goes on. As an ordinary man, Stellan believed that to raise a good family one has to create ample time for each member. This belief was what made it a custom to bring his wife and kids along on set (one wife at a time though).
Alexander was first to be bitten by the acting bug. This was only expected considering the massive experience he had from being live at film shoots. The sexy Skarsgard was Tarzan, the title character in The Legend of Tarzan (2016). Regarding his love life, Alexander has been in a relationship with model and fashion journalist Alexa Chung since 2015.
Gustaf Caspar Orm Skarsgard (son with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: November 12, 1980
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Gustaf is the second most famous son to the Swedish screen star. Stellan emphasizes again and again that he never for once wanted his career to become a family affair. It was indeed a happy accident when his son Gustaf also decided show business was for him too. He is popular for his role on The Vikings series as Floki the shipbuilder. Caspar Orm was married to fellow actress Hanna Alstrom from 1999 to 2005.
Sam Kristoffer Skarsgard (son with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: June 5, 1982
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Sam acted in The Invisible (2002) but he followed in his mother’s footsteps and became a doctor. He is married to his girlfriend Sanna since September 28, 2013.
Bill Istvan Günther Skarsgard (son with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: August 9, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Leo
With four Skarsgards already in Hollywood, it was just natural for Bill to follow suit. He is not as famous as his first two brothers but has featured in quite a few international works like The Divergent Series: Allegiant (2016).
Eija Skarsgard (daughter with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: February 24, 1992
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
About Eija, Stellan says “she is very strong, stronger in many ways than the boys and she relishes her position”. The only female Skarsgard is a former model and has no plan to be an actress. The gorgeous Eija is now a nightclub manager in Stureplan, Stockholm.
Valter Skarsgard (son with My Agnes)
Date of Birth: October 25, 1995
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Valter is also an actor like his dad and is the last child with My Sonja Marie Agnes.
Ossian Skarsgard (son with Megan Everett)
Date of Birth: April 26, 2009
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Fourteen years after the birth of Valter, we thought the Veteran of the Stockholm stage has taken a break from fatherhood until Ossian was born. He is the first son with Stellan’s new wife Megan Everett.
Kolbjorn Skarsgard (son with Megan Everett)
Date of Birth: August 24, 2012
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
There’s not much to say about Kolbjorn as he is the youngest of all the Skarsgards so we can only keep our fingers crossed as to what the future holds for him.