
How do restaurants work in Minecolonies?

A restaurant in Minecolonies is where the cook prepares food for the citizens of the colony. The cook requires necessary ingredients and fuel to cook food. When citizens are hungry, they will come to the restaurant and the cook will provide them with food. The assistant cook also works at the restaurant and helps in crafting the needed food items to supply the colony.

How do you make citizens eat MineColonies?

When a citizen’s hunger level gets to 6 or lower, they will head to the restaurant to get food from the cook. If there is no cook, they will request in their GUI that you build them a restaurant or provide them with food manually.

What is the difference between residence and tavern in MineColonies?

The tavern in Minecolonies is similar to a residence as it also houses citizens. However, the difference is that the tavern can accommodate four citizens instead of one, and it cannot be upgraded to house more.

How do you use the bakery in MineColonies?

In Minecolonies, the baker will craft bread dough, cookie dough, cake dough, and raw pumpkin pie. These items are then baked in a furnace to create bread, cookies, cakes, and pumpkin pies. The baker will only do this upon request, either from the cook, the postbox, or as a minimum stock in the warehouse.

How do couriers work in MineColonies?

In Minecolonies, couriers run back and forth from the warehouse to all the worker huts in the colony. They deliver materials to workers and put finished products in the warehouse. Each courier needs their own hut, and up to 10 couriers per warehouse can be employed, depending on the warehouse’s level.

MineColonies Tutorial 1.16 – 1.18: Everything About The Restaurant

There doesn’t seem to be any specific information about a tutorial on the MineColonies website.

Do builders get faster in Minecolonies?

Yes, builders do get faster in Minecolonies. The speed of the builder increases as the level of their hut increases. It is important to make sure that the builder is well-fed, as they won’t work if they are hungry.

How many couriers can you have in Minecolonies?

You can have up to 10 couriers per warehouse in Minecolonies, depending on the warehouse’s level. The level of the courier’s hut will dictate how many items the courier can deliver. To carry more materials/tools, upgrade the hut of the courier.

What does a tavern do in Minecolonies?

In Minecolonies, the tavern serves as a residence for citizens. It can house up to four citizens, and every so often, visitors will come to the tavern. These visitors can be recruited to live and work in the colony with the use of specific items. However, the tavern cannot be upgraded to house more than four citizens.

What do citizens eat in Minecolonies?

Citizens in Minecolonies eat food prepared by the cook. The cook will make various cooked food items such as steak, cooked pork, baked potatoes, cooked salmon, and more to fulfill the food needs of all the citizens in the colony. Hungry citizens will come to the restaurant, where the cook will provide them with food. The speed at which the cook’s food cooks depends on their adaptability skill.

What does the sawmill do in Minecolonies?

The sawmill in Minecolonies is where the carpenter crafts items made of at least 75% wood. This includes blocks and items made entirely out of cobblestone, stone, andesite, diorite, granite, quartz, nether bricks, purpur, prismarine, sandstones, blackstone, basalt, and/or ores. The sawmill does not craft items made of ingots, redstone items, or items that produce a redstone signal.

Can you have multiple taverns in MineColonies?

No, you can only have one tavern per colony in Minecolonies


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-22