
Marques Houston Wife Age Difference

Miya Dickey age is 22 years old. The celebrity spouse was born on October 7, 2000, in California.

Marques Houston wife Miya Houston is 19 years younger than him. Miya was 20 while Marques was 39 at the time of their wedding.

Marques met Miya when she was just 17 years old. Dickey was 18 when she got engaged to the popular R&B singer Marques in March 2019. 

Fans of the R&B singer were dazzled when they discovered Miya was barely two years old when the artist released his first solo album after singing together with the group IMx for over a decade.

Marques was born on August 4, 1981, in Los Angeles, California, and he is 41 years old. He was born to his parents Michael and Carolyn Houston. He made his acting debut at the age of 8 years old in 1989.

According to Metro, people on social media caused a stir after revealing the singer allegedly knew Miya before she was 18 years old. However, Houston was quick to defend his relationship and engagement by saying he knew Miya in 2018 and was first introduced to her during a Jehovah’s Witness convention.

Furthermore, according to SportsKeeda, the pair allegedly celebrated their 3rd wedding anniversary and 10th year together recently.

This suggested that Marques Houston wife Miya was just 12 years old when the pair started dating.

However, neither of them has said anything in clarification yet. 


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-21