
Dino Guglielmelli jailed for offering 'hitman' $80k to murder wife

Sobbing model tells court how 'the man I once loved... the man who wished to end my life' has turned her life into 'living nightmare' as he is jailed for nine years after offering 'hitman' $80,000 to murder her

  • Vitamin tycoon Dino Guglielmelli pleaded guilty last week to second degree attempted murder of his estranged wife Monica Olsen
  • Monica took the stand in the San Fernando Valley today and gave a 14-minute impact statement to the court describing her three-year nightmare
  • 'Long before his arrest on October 3, 2013, I lived in fear of him,' she said.
  • She says she is still afraid of retaliation and retribution from him and that something I say might trigger the defendant'
  • Shackled in chains around his ankles and had handcuffs on his wrists, Guglielmelli did not look at Monica during her statement
  •  She said their daughters, now aged nine and six, had been badly affected by their father’s behavior
  • One of them doesn't want her name shouted on the speaker at school for awards time or to win prizes for fear that people would find out or say something or make fun of her
  • 'I forgive him for that is the only way I can heal my heart. But I will never forget,' Monica said



Model Monica Olsen bravely faced her husband for the first time since his arrest for her attempted murder and told a court she had lived in terror of him for three years.

As vitamin tycoon Dino Guglielmelli was sentenced to nine years jail, Monica described the unraveling of her 'nightmare' marriage.

In a quavering voice, she said: 'Today is the most difficult and most painful day of my life.

'I did not think I could gather the courage to be here today to face the man who was my husband, the man I once loved more than anything, the father of my two children and ultimately the man who wished to end my life.'

Devastated: Ex Model Monica Olsen poured out her heart in an emotional impact statement to the Los Angeles Superior Cout in San Fernando today. It was the first time she faced her husband since his arrest in a murder-for-gore plot

Devastated: Ex Model Monica Olsen poured out her heart in an emotional impact statement to the Los Angeles Superior Cout in San Fernando today. It was the first time she faced her husband since his arrest in a murder-for-gore plot

Wise guy: A smirking Dino Guglielmelli refused to look at his wife Monica Olsen as she read her impact statement to the court. He has been sentenced for second degree murder and has to serve 85% of a 9 year sentence as part of a plea bargain for attempting to kill his wife

Wise guy: A smirking Dino Guglielmelli refused to look at his wife Monica Olsen as she read her impact statement to the court. He has been sentenced for second degree murder and has to serve 85% of a 9 year sentence as part of a plea bargain for attempting to kill his wife

Scenes from a marriage: Pregnant - and blonde - Monica was carzy about Dino when they were married and about to have a child. 'I too was fooled by him for some time while married to him,' she said today. 'He can be very charming, passionate, articulate, extremely intelligent and hard working'

Scenes from a marriage: Pregnant - and blonde - Monica was carzy about Dino when they were married and about to have a child. 'I too was fooled by him for some time while married to him,' she said today. 'He can be very charming, passionate, articulate, extremely intelligent and hard working'

The retired catwalk queen, wearing a long black gown, pearl earrings and stiletto heels, sobbed as she read her witness impact statement.

As court officials handed her tissues, she said she was still terrified of her 53-year-old husband.

'I am scared to be here today for fear of retaliation and retribution from him and that something I say might trigger the defendant,” she told the San Fernando, California, court.

'But I know this is an important step for me and the only way to gain some closure for myself and put this chapter of my life behind me.'

Guglielmelli, who was shackled in chains around his ankles and had handcuffs on his wrists, did not look at Monica as she spoke.

His elder brother Gino, sister Em and Jenny Glover, who he employed as the children’s nanny, were all in court to support him.

Monica quit her high-fashion career when she married Guglielmelli 10 years ago. They created a successful Skin by Monica Olsen beauty line after the births of daughters Cienna and Vandella.

But as their relationship hit the rocks, Guglielmelli demanded custody of the girls. He claimed Montreal-born Monica had attacked him and plotted to have drugs planted in her car in a bid to have her deported back to Canada.

Nightmare: In a quavering voice, she said: 'Today is the most difficult and most painful day of my life. I did not think I could gather the courage to be here today to face the man who was my husband, the man I once loved more than anything, the father of my two children and ultimately the man who wished to end my life'

Nightmare: In a quavering voice, she said: 'Today is the most difficult and most painful day of my life. I did not think I could gather the courage to be here today to face the man who was my husband, the man I once loved more than anything, the father of my two children and ultimately the man who wished to end my life'

Then he offered Army veteran Richard Fuhrmann $80,000 to kill Monica. Fuhrmann went to police and secretly recorded an hour-long conversation about the planned hit.   

Guglielmelli, whose vitamin supplements business once had a $50 million turnover and employed 300 people, was set to stand trial for solicitation to murder and attempted murder. But he agreed to a last-minute plea deal in exchange for jail, followed by three years probation.

As he stood in the dock dressed in an orange jail jump suit, Monica told the court how he had wrecked her life.

'For approximately three years now, I have been living in what can best be described of as a nightmare. Long before his arrest on October 3, 2013, I lived in fear of him,' she said.

'I always had to look over my shoulder, check my car for tracking devices, illegal substances placed in my car and also having to move periodically to get him off my track.'

But Monica gallantly told the court: 'I forgive him for that is the only way I can heal my heart. But I will never forget and now he needs to forgive himself.'

She described how she spent a terrifying night in jail in January 2012 after Guglielmelli called cops and claimed she had attacked him in an attempt to gain full custody of their girls.

'During the events of that night it only confirmed what I thought, which was that I was dealing with a potentially very dangerous and potentially delusional individual,' she said.

'I knew at that moment that he would go to any extent to win and at any cost to me through his set ups and false allegations.

'I am fortunate that I was his third wife and I was able to get some of his previous wife's divorce court filings and had some ideas of what could lay ahead for me and his patterns of behavior to prepare me for the worst and what may lay ahead for me.'

Orange is the new black:: Guglielmelli, who was dressed in his organge prison jumpsuite, was shackled in chains around his ankles and had handcuffs on his wrists

Orange is the new black:: Guglielmelli, who was dressed in his organge prison jumpsuite, was shackled in chains around his ankles and had handcuffs on his wrists

Monica, 32, said the stress had caused her breathing problems, severe headaches and left her with a weakened immune system. She said she also suffered from post traumatic stress syndrome.

'Among other things, this has impacted my life and my ability to work,'she said, adding that her business was shut down once by Gugliemelli before his arrest.

She said she had discovered he had forged her name on mortgage documents and left her with debts of up to $12 million – at the same time as prosecutors say he secretly wired $4.4 million out of the country as he planned to flee.

Monica said she had been forced to pull their daughters out of private school amid concerns about their safety and that of other pupils. She said the girls, now aged nine and six, had been badly affected by their father’s behavior.

They were separated from their friends and teachers through no fault of their own. I do not know the long term effects this will have on them,” she said.

They still fear their father will harm me and take them away and this causes them some anxiety and stress at times. But I reassure them everything will be ok and the worst is over.

They are also ashamed of others knowing their last name at their new school and fear that if their friends find out they won't want to play with them.

My daughter Cienna didn't want her name shouted on the speaker for awards time or to win prizes for fear that people would find out or say something or make fun of her.

Impact on kids: Dabbing at her tears, Monica told how their two daughters have been affected by their father's actions. 'He has destoyrd his children's lives,' she said

Impact on kids: Dabbing at her tears, Monica told how their two daughters have been affected by their father's actions. 'He has destoyrd his children's lives,' she said

'My once thriving and growing company Skin By Monica, that we ran together, was shutdown completely by his actions.

'He basically wanted to destroy what little livelihood I could have left to support myself and the girls. The effects of his actions are endless and ongoing.'

Monica acknowledged that Guglielmelli’s 15-year-old daughter by his second marriage, several siblings and business associates had written character references on his behalf.

Guglielmelli’s father Emilio, a retired farmer in Washington State, said in a statement: “We know in our hearts that our son would never do anything like this.”

His sister Em said: “Our mother is heartbroken and cried all morning – he is the youngest of seven, he’s her baby.”

But Monica asked the judge not to be taken in by them.

Facing his fate: Guglielmelli showed no emotion as he left the courtroom to face the next years behind bars

Facing his fate: Guglielmelli showed no emotion as he left the courtroom to face the next years behind bars

'I too was fooled by him for some time while married to him,' she said.  'He can be very charming, passionate, articulate, extremely intelligent and hard working.

'Those are some of the attributes I married him for. But after my personal observations over the past decade, it is unfortunate that I cannot call him a decent man but a man with a very dark side.

'He has destroyed his children’s lives, he has destroyed his family. He doesn't learn from his mistakes or show empathy but rather seeks to destroy those who loved him the most, namely and most importantly, the mother of his children.

'He had everything one can dream of --  beautiful children, a home, a loyal wife but time and time again he seeks to destroy it all.

'In my opinion, for Mr. Guglielmelli life is a just a game.  He views people as objects to be controlled, manipulated and disposed of at his will when their use is done or when most of all they stand up to him or they get in his way.

'He idealizes you, he controls you and later goes after you with full vengeance to destroy you.

'I do not believe there is any win, win in his world -- only that you are with him or against him and if you dare not follow his rules or what he wants you must thus be destroyed.

'He projects his behavior onto those closest to him and he plays the victim and makes up delusional stories.

Relief: As Monica left the court, she told MailOnline: 'I was really nervous. I am just so relieved it is over'

Relief: As Monica left the court, she told MailOnline: 'I was really nervous. I am just so relieved it is over'

'His attorney said he had a lapse in judgment and people say things in divorce cases that they regret due to high emotions.

'Although I wish I could believe this, I have heard about some of the evidence that was going to be presented at trial and I know based on evidence that he was planning this for well over a year and wished to harm me in ways that are inconceivable to my human mind.

'It is a miracle and an act of God that I am alive today. I know that my fate could have been a tragic one.

'Do I believe Mr Guglielmelli can be rehabilitated? While I am not an expert, in my personal opinion and through my observations, my answer is no unless some scientific breakthrough happens prior to his release.

'I am not an optimist in this regard that he will change due to psychological counseling and therapy. It is like asking a color blind person to see color. I do not believe he will grow empathy or a conscience in prison or be given morals and ethics. He  may very well get angrier.

'I tried helping him many times during the course of our marriage to no avail. I hope I am wrong and the experts prove me wrong my only hope for him is thatsomehow through some miracle he finds God.

'Obviously I fear what will happen to me and the girls upon his release and the danger to our safety and well being.

'In my opinion Mr. Guglielmelli has shown time and time again that he is above the law and has no regard for the law or the rights of others.

Model behavior: Monica was a successful model before she married Guglielmelli and gave up her career

Model behavior: Monica was a successful model before she married Guglielmelli and gave up her career

'What I have learned with serious abusers is that they don't regret the injuries and the harm they inflict on their victims. They regret the loss of opportunity to inflict more.

'Mr. Guglielmelli has sought to destroy me psychologically, emotionally, financially and physically.

'I certainly do not trust people the same way again but he hasn't taken away my ability to love, to seek happiness and to enjoy what precious moments in life that I have with our girls.

'He hasn't succeed in alienating me from my friends and my family and those that love me, despite his best efforts.

'If anything he has made me stronger and I realize now just how strong I am and for that I thank him. He has also awakened in me the need to help others that are in my situation and fight against abuse and violence for other victims.”

As Monica left the court, she told MailOnline: “I was really nervous.  I am just so relieved it is over.

'Now I can finally get on with my life and be the best mother to my two girls.This has been the hardest day ever for me.'

As Monica was whisked away in a chauffeur driven SUV, Gugliemelli’s sister Em said MailOnline: “My brother met Monica at the Playboy mansion. She was living in LA and broke.

'Even her parents, brother and sister warned Dino not to marry her. But he loved her.

'She was a real headache as a wife. Twice she drained his bank accounts of $80,000 or more and once ran away to Canada.

'Her impact statement was contrived rubbish. He filed for divorce, he got custody of the children. He gave her $32,000 a month but that was never enough. Our family is very angry at Monica.'

Em said her brother was depressed in jail but had cheered up when  Rihianna’s ex Chris Brown had briefly been held on the same cell block.

My brother loves music and he and Chris practiced singing together,” she said.

'Dino has a lot of time to reflect on what has happened. He is not mad at Monica anymore. He is trying to eat healthily and is writing a book about the jail system.'

She said their parents were too old and frail to travel from their farm in Washington State to be in court.

Nanny Jenny Glover told MailOnline: 'Dino was a great guy. Monica never did any parenting, she was distant and removed. There was tension between them in the house.

'Dino was the kind of dad who was at the dinner table every night and made sure the kids said their prayers, not Monica.'  


Lorie Orum

Update: 2024-05-21