Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) Salary Structure, Ranks and Functions
The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) is a Federal government agency whose workers are paid just like any other federal government worker in the country. With this, NPA salaries range from N120,000 upwards, depending on their ranks. However, the minimum wage in Nigeria is currently N30,000, and officers of the NPA receive salaries according to their ranks.
Duties of the Nigerian Ports Authority
The Nigerian Ports Authority is charged with governing and operating all the ports in Nigeria. These ports include but are not limited to the following: Onne Port in Rivers State, Rivers Port Complex in Rivers State, Tin Can Island Port Complex and Lagos Port Complex both in Lagos State, Calabar Port Complex in Cross River State, and the Delta Ports in Warri, Delta State.
The operations of the Nigerian Ports Authority are carried out under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Transportation, and their salaries are paid by the Federal Government of Nigeria. More so, some of the responsibilities of the Nigerian Ports Authority are ceded to private companies for the easy and prompt maintenance of the ports in Nigeria.
These private companies have their duties in the port, and they work together with the officers of the NPA. The salaries of these private company workers are paid by the companies that hired them. They are not NPA staff, but they work at the port under a company in charge of some functions in the Port.
Here, we will give a breakdown of the NPA salary structure, their ranks, and the functions of the Nigerian Ports Authority.
Breakdown the NPA Salaries at Different Grade Levels
Information regarding the exact amount NPA officers make is limited. Just like other government agencies, their salary structure is confidential and not open for public consumption.
However, the information we have here are estimations of what their salaries are supposed to be, judging by the information available to us at the moment. The NPA Pay Scale is calculated by adding the level of the employee in the pay matrix plus NPA. Below is a list of the salaries of some NPA staff according to their grade levels.

- Counselors/JSS II (least paid employee) – 180,000-200,000
- Desk Cadet Officers – 250,000-300,000
- HSE Officers – 300,000-400,000
- Control Engineers – 400,000-600,000 Monthly
Other Incentives NPA Officers Receive Besides the Actual Base Salary
Apart from their base salary, the officers of the Nigerian Ports Authority enjoy certain benefits and incentives. Being a federal government establishment, the members of the staff have the right to all the benefits any government establishment of its kind enjoys. Some of these benefits are beneficial to both the staff and their families.
Below is a list of some of the incentives and benefits enjoyed by these officers.
- Personal Growth Development through a series of training
- Free medical treatment
- Presentation of awards on long service and other merit awards to staff
- A well laid down retirement package in terms of pensions and gratuity
List of NPA Ranks in an Ascending Order
Below is a list of the ranks of the management team in the Nigerian Ports Authority. Other workers of the NPA are under this team, and they work in any of these departments of the authority. An exception is made for the staff of the private companies who occupy some positions in the port.

The Managing Director: The highest rank of the Nigerian Ports Authority. All other directors and managers are under him. He is the boss in charge of the Nigerian Ports Authority.
- Executive Director Engineering and Technical Services
- General Manager, Engineering
- General Manager, Land and Asset Administration
- Executive Director Marine and Operations
- General Manager, Marine, and Operations
- General Manager, Monitoring and Regulation
- General Manager, HSE
- General Manager, Security
- Port Managers (AGM)
- Executive Director Finance and Administration
- General Manager, HR
- General Manager, Medical
- General Manager, Administration
- General Manager, Finance
- General Manager, Superannuation and Investment
- Assistant General Manager, Risk Management
- Managing Director’s Directorate
- General Manager, Procurement
- General Manager, Corporate and Strategic Communications
- General Manager, Corporate and Strategic Planning
- General Manager, Legal Services
- General Manager, Audit
- General Manager, ICT
- General Manager, PPP
- General Manager, Abuja Liaison Office
- General Manager, Servicom
- General Manager, Overseas Liaison Office
- General Manager, Managing Director’s Office
Functions of the Nigerian Ports Authority

Just like any other government establishment in Nigeria, the Nigerian Ports Authority was established with some functions attached to it. Its main function is to govern and operate ports in Nigeria. The Federal Ministry of Transportation is in charge of formulating policies and planning of basic marine infrastructure at the national level, international relations, and legislation.
Other duties and functions are reserved for the Nigerian Ports Authority. Below is a breakdown of the functions of the NPA.
- The NPA is charged with the duty of owning, developing, and operating ports and harbors in the country.
- They also maintain port facilities and equipment.
- It is in charge of cargo handling and storage services.
- Ensuring the safety and security of the staff, goods, ships, and port facilities
- Provides safe and navigational services
- The NPA also develops and owns properties, especially those within ports limits
- NPA oversees the day-to-day monitoring of operations in the ports and also make sure that relevant section of agreements and enforced.
- They enact, monitor, and enforce port regulations and bye-laws.
- They plan and develop port operational infrastructure.
- The Nigerian Ports Authority is also in charge of concession and leasing of port infrastructure, and it also sets the benchmark for tariff structure.
- Hydrographic survey and harbor/nautical operations are the responsibilities of the NPA
- They also handle ship repairs, bunkering, towing, ship chandler services, and mooring
For proper maintenance of ports in the country, some of the functions and duties of the Nigerian Ports Authority are ceded to private companies. These private companies carry out their duties in the port independently, while the other functions are left to the NPA. Some of the functions ceded to the private companies are listed below.
- The maintenance and development of the port’s superstructure
- Cargo delivery, handling, warehousing, and stevedoring
- They maintain security and safety within the terminal
- The acquisition of equipment related to operations and cargo handling