
Pete Buttigieg salary and net worth

Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg happens to be one of the top politicians in the country as of now. He is a well-known American politician and former naval officer.

Pete Buttigieg is a member of the Democratic Party and is currently serving as the 19th United States Secretary of Transportation.

Pete Buttigieg was born on January 19, 1982, in South Bend, Indiana, United States, and is currently 41 years old. Pete Buttigieg is very young and has achieved a lot within a short span of his career. He was the 32nd mayor of South Bend, Indiana, from 2012 to 2020.

How much does Pete Buttigieg make per year?

Pete Buttigieg earns quite a lot from his career as the 19th United States Secretary of Transportation. According to sources, Pete Buttigieg is reported to earn an estimated amount between $800,000 to $1.8 million per year.

What is Pete Buttigieg’s net worth?

Pete Buttigieg is said to have a growing net worth estimated at 25 million USD which he solely earn from his career as a politician and also as the 19th United States Secretary of Transportation.


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-19