
Papa Jake net worth, income and estimated earnings of Youtuber channel

$ 641K - $ 3.84M *

$ 2.13K

last 7 days

$ 5.11K

last 30 days

$ 22K

last 90 days

Papa Jake's net worth is estimated to be around $5 million. He earns his income through sponsored content, merchandise sales, and advertising revenue from his YouTube videos. He also has a line of custom-made merch that has been popular among his fans.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Papa Jake estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
February 2024$ 3.75K
January 2024$ 4.54K
December 2023$ 6.25K
November 2023$ 7.86K
October 2023$ 10.7K
July 2023$ 10.8K
June 2023$ 8.71K
May 2023$ 6.14K
April 2023$ 10.1K
March 2023$ 10.2K
February 2023$ 10.2K
January 2023$ 12.9K
December 2022$ 10.8K
November 2022$ 9.32K
October 2022$ 12.3K
September 2022$ 6.56K
August 2022$ 13K
July 2022$ 13K
June 2022$ 11.7K
May 2022$ 7.35K
April 2022$ 7.07K
March 2022$ 12K
February 2022$ 1.4K

Papa Jake net worth (revenue, salary)

Papa Jake Frequently Asked Questions

When did Papa Jake start his YouTube channel?

Papa Jake started his YouTube channel in 2010.

What type of content does Papa Jake create?

Papa Jake is known for his DIY projects, box forts, and survival videos.

Does Papa Jake have kids?

Yes, Papa Jake is a father of two and often features his children in his videos.

Has Papa Jake been involved in any controversies?

Yes, Papa Jake has been involved in a few controversies during his career.

What is Papa Jake's famous catchphrase?

Papa Jake's famous catchphrase is 'It's time to build!'

Where can I buy Papa Jake's merch?

Papa Jake's merch is available on his website.


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-19