
Gracie McGraw Quick Facts about Tim McGraw & Faith Hill's 23-Year-Old Daughter

Gracie McGraw, Tim McGraw's daughter, is fast becoming an advocate for body positivity. Yet there's a lot more to the famous country singer's eldest daughter.

Tim McGraw and Faith Hill are the proud parents of three beautiful girls. Gracie, 23, Maggie, 22, and Audrey, 18. All seem to have inherited their parents' musical genes.

Gracie can also boast about her smarts and her admirable confidence. Here are some details about McGraw and Hills' first daughter, who is not afraid to show off her natural body.


After high school, Gracie attended New York University, a highly acclaimed school in the state. After that, she decided to move to Los Angeles to try to become an actor.

Gracie has inherited a passion for entertainment. McGraw once expressed how pleased he was with himself and his wife for raising a daughter who is willing to chase her dreams.

McGraw is a staunch supporter of daughters Maggie and Gracie, often sneaking into their concerts to watch them perform. Like their parents, both the girls are talented singers.


Over the summer, Gracie joined her sisters Audrey and Maggie for about four weeks during the quarantine. The two older girls then left, leaving Audrey stuck with her parents.

While there, though, the three girls had a lot of family time watching movies, playing games, cooking, and eating together. Maggie and Gracie then returned to California.


Gracie used the confidence she had grown developed to motivate others online by sharing photos and clips of her natural body. In early October, she shared a video of herself pointing out her former insecurities.

In the clip, Gracie grabbed onto certain areas of her stomach, thighs, and arms. A later shot showed a closeup of her stretch mark on her chest. "I've hated these parts of her body ever since I can remember," she wrote.

She then went onto admit that while she sometimes still wishes they were different, she has come a long way. She now believes everybody is beautiful and that "[tummy] rolls are sexy."


Gracie's social media is full of similar posts which all have a positive message and are down to earth. Another recent one saw her joking about having no upper lip because of her mustache growing in.

Gracie is also the proud owner of a brown and white dog named Baz, which she often shows off on her Instagram feed. She is also a supporter of causes like LGBTQA rights and environmental awareness.


Gracie also has a knack for photography. In August, she took out a lovely outdoor photo of her mother, whom her dad McGraw later uploaded to social media. In the shot, Hill sported braided pink hair.

Tim McGraw performs with daughter Gracie during his "Shotgun Rider" tour in Nashville, Tennessee on August 15, 2015 | Photo: Getty Images

The photo was a profile view of the singer as she sat on the family's patio outside. McGraw uploaded the post and credited Gracie. He captioned the shot: "Dang, I love this girl!"

Undoubtedly, Tim loves all of his girls, often celebrating them online on birthdays, graduations, and more. With parents like that, Gracie's amazing personality is no surprise.


Lorie Orum

Update: 2024-05-18