Should decking boards run parallel House?

Well, normally girders are parallel to the house, the joists are perpendicular and the deck boards are parallel. This is because the ledger acts as the a girder against the house supporting the joists. If you run the deck boards perpendicular to the house, then the joists need to be parallel.Click to see full answer. Furthermore, which way should my deck boards run?A board that is correctly installed right side up (or bark side down) will form a crown and allow water to run off the edges. If the board is installed wrong side up (or bark side up) it will curve up on the edges when dry and water can gather and sit in the cup. That is a recipe for wood rot and problems.Beside above, how do I keep my deck boards straight? Deck Board Spacing with Chalk Set the first board along a chalk line to start straight. Then sight down the boards occasionally to make sure they’re staying straight. If they’re not, vary the size of the gap between boards gradually over a few rows as needed to straighten them. Beside this, should decking boards be horizontal or vertical? In what direction should decking boards be placed (horizontal / vertical) compared to the deck? The boards are usually placed horizontally perpendicular to the adjacent wall. This choice is above all aesthetic, but it also important to be sure that the direction of the boards does not hinder water drainage.Should deck boards overhang? Allow for Sufficient Overhang of Decking A one to two inch overhang beyond the outer fascia board is sufficient. This means the installed deck boards should have at least 1.75 to 2.75” overhang before the fascia is installed.