Does Medicare pay for punctal plugs?

A. Yes; Medicare will cover punctal occlusion by temporary plugs inserted as a diagnostic procedure (usually collagen), as well as permanent plugs (e.g., silicone, thermosensitive or hydrophilic), provided that both procedures are medically necessary.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how do I bill punctal plugs to Medicare?Use 68761 (closure of lacrimal punctum; by plug, each to describe the professional service. The same code applies whether permanent or temporary plugs are inserted. Medicare reimbursement for the procedure includes payment for the plugs.Secondly, what is the global period for punctal plugs? Punctal Plug Coding CPT 68761 carries a 10-day global period. Keeping this in view, are punctal plugs covered by insurance? A Yes, when medically necessary. Use 68761 (Closure of lacrimal punctum; by plug, each) to describe the professional service. The CPT code makes no distinction between types or brands of punctal plugs.What do plugs do for your eyes?Punctal plugs for dry eyes. Punctal plugs are tiny, biocompatible devices that can be inserted into tear ducts to block drainage. This increases the eye’s tear film and surface moisture to help relieve certain forms of dry eye.